Monday, November 2, 2009

Five Down for Fighting Superman...

I was listening to this song and encountered a life story that I rarely get out or tell. The life story just happens to be my own and is something of a sensitive issue, to me, than most topics. I used to think this song was nothing more than a mere hip…pop song that just had a nice little tizzy piano riff but after listening and giving a great amount of attention to the lyrics I have come up with a new way in which I view the song.

Being the son of a preacher man I have moved around quite a bit. I have seen and done a lot of things in my life. I have been shoved down, stretched out, and pushed to my limit. I have been just like everyone else and had my good and bad times. I have never had withdraw and have always desired to know something better about myself and see the better part of other people as well which is why I believe the first part of the song is the most powerful part of the whole song.

I can’t stand to fly. I’m not that naïve. I’m just out to find the better part of me.

All my life I have seen other people that help me shape who I am. Which has been me seeing things that I like or dislike? I have learned how to build up walls and defenses in which I am no longer a naïve child and able to let my timid emotions to get hands laid on. This year I have done everything I can to tear down those walls. I have looked for the good in everyone I come into contact with. I think that especially this year I have sought to discover who I really am. I have had to rely mostly on God and his understanding to help me through many hard times while being on my own. My faith has grown tremendously during this time period.

You know, really looking back on everything that has happened to me and have a pity party but the better thing to do would be to take a breath of fresh air and grow up.

It’s not easy to be anyone…

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